Regular dental examination is extremely important for your oral health; it provides detailed information about the state of your teeth so that you can prevent as well as early detect any kind of potential diseases. This is crucial as it can save you unnecessary painful toothaches or worst case scenario – teeth extraction or any other painful and costly treatment. For that purpose, make sure you have your teeth examined and cleaned at least once a year or more if possible. Plus, non-dental conditions such as osteoporosis, vitamin deficiency, diabetes, etc., can be also discovered and treated early with a regular dental examination.
The condition of your mouth reflects your overall health and well-being as well. Healthy and well-maintained teeth are essential for normal functioning of your digestive system and whole body in general. Dental examination will detect any signs of cavities and cracks as well as gum disease. For example, the early detection of gum disease can prevent the spreading of bacteria and infections to other parts of the body and will save you from extensive and costly treatments like root canal therapy or even surgery. When left untreated, it can lead to heart problems and stroke. Regular dental checks can also identify early stages of oral cancer enabling quick intervention and a successful treatment.
During the dental examination, your dentist should give you a professional advice on how to properly clean your teeth and maintain them in a healthy condition. He should also suggest you a well-balanced diet that will minimize the risk of cavities and any other teeth-related problems. Moreover, he should also examine them for any signs of plaque or tartar build up. Tartar creates due to extensive amounts of plaque on the teeth and it is extremely difficult to get rid of since it can’t be removed with brushing and flossing only, but it requires dental interventions and treatments. Special tools for scaling your teeth are used during this process and after all, it’s been done, you will have your teeth polished.
A healthy smile is a reflection of natural beauty. Having your teeth regularly examined and cleaned can only have positive effects – it will certainly brighten up your smile and remove tea, wine and coffee stains. You will also get rid of bad breath which is usually caused by poor hygiene or gum disease. Moreover, practising good oral hygiene will also reduce the risk of losing your teeth prematurely as poor oral hygiene destroys the gums and allows for bacteria to invade the tooth’s root.