Do you know that hypnotherapy goes way back in history, like in the time of the Grimm Brothers? We all know about the Grimm Brothers, the creators (or collectors) of some of the most famous fairy tales in the world, like Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. According to some sources, hypnotherapy originates in ancient China and India, but in 1794 it came as a practice to Europe. It was used for performing surgical moves on patients, before the time of anesthesia and ether. The first boy that went through an operation of tumor with the use of hypnotherapy was Jacob Grimm, one of the Grimm brothers. Later he included some of the trance experiences in the fairy tale books he wrote along with his sibling.
As records show, back in time when life was significantly harder and more complex, hypnotherapy played a huge role in decreasing pain and suffering. Today, many hypnotherapy Melbourne based practices offer services like painlessly giving up smoking, losing weight or cutting off alcohol with the help of hypnotherapy. And in case you were wondering – no, it has nothing to do with the waving clock in front of your eyes.
What does hypnotherapy do?
Hypnosis affects primarily the brain. It turns the subject into a sort of hypnotic state when he appears so tuned-out that he stops blinking and has to be reminded to actually do it. When acting like this, the subjects appear like they’re not paying attention to the practitioners at all. However, in the state they’re in, they’re paying hyper-attention. It seems that, when under hypnosis, a person’s brain works with far more capacity than when not under it. That being said, a lot of problems people experience can be solved at their roots. Accent on one of today’s major disruptions of human peace: stress.
How can hypnotherapy help you deal with stress?
Stress is a very relative category. Some people experience very low stress levels and therefore, don’t suffer that much since the consequences aren’t that severe. But, constant and heavy stress takes its toll on the body and the overall health. There’s even been a theory that cancer is caused by severe stress that’s been ongoing for a long period of time. We won’t go in the genuinity of this theory but will concentrate on every day stress like dealing with fear of public speaking, taking exams in school and similar. A few short hypnosis sessions which you can schedule in a hypnotherapy Melbourne based practice, can teach you how you can help yourself in such moments. These professionals will teach you several self-helping techniques designed to give you energy or raise your confidence levels when you face situations like the aforementioned ones.
In conclusion: is hypnotherapy really useful in fighting anxiety?
If we leave all mental issues aside, we’ll be left with physical conditions like migraines, rheumatism, epilepsy, allergies, irritable bowel and similar which are all pains you can literally feel on your body. However, they’re accompanied by a high level of stress, which acts as a fuel to the pain you’re feeling. By eliminating the stress, the issues felt on the body are also eliminated or significantly decreased.
Considering all of the above mentioned points, it’s safe to conclude that hypnotherapy is a very efficient way of dealing with anxiety.