
A Splash of Green in a Tech Scene

Living alone in a small flat in Darwin at 29, having my share of a hard day’s night from the comfort of my home and spending most of my free time deeply engaged in playing all sorts of addictive strategy games might sound like living the dream for the tech savvy like myself. However, as of late, all of this has started to take its toll on my mental health. Nothing serious, just the mean reds that sometimes can really hang you up the most.

Two months ago, I felt as if every cell of my body was screaming for a change, something had to be rearranged, but what precious, what? Yes, the lack of company did not only result in lack of cheer but also in a Gollum-like atmosphere in my head. No, I’m not going crazy, I just spend too much time staring at a screen. So that’s when it dawned on me that I desperately need to bring about a more lively vibe to my robotic surroundings.

Cats, dogs and so many tech gadgets and cables don’t go together, so I decided I’m not down for that. The next obvious thing on the list were plants, but believe me, as much as I am able to keep a warrior priestess alive, no plant has ever thrived under my watch. I regularly forget to water them on time, then I try to make up for it all at once and I end up drowning dehydrated plants, end of story, happens every time.

So there was I, a reckless tech gal, in a small crowded flat, completely oblivious to the existence of self watering planters – this amazing invention that seems to be tailored in accordance to the needs of those like me. As you may have already guessed, now I am a proud owner of several plants: three cacti, an English ivy and a peace lily. And here are the three reasons that urged me to have a fill of green in my tech scene.

Guilt Free – Works For Me

“My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.” Ouch. Once I clicked order white self watering planters I stopped assigning such quotes to myself, already imagining the splash of green that was about to inhabit my ever so cold surroundings. The best thing about these planers is, as the name suggests, their self watering system that you have to fill with water only once in 10 days and the rest is taken care of by the planter itself. Ain’t that awfully great for someone who likes to have things done just with a single click? But that’s not all as you can see below.

Sleek is My Cup of Tea

Apart from being smart, each of my planters is also a looker! I decided to order white self watering planters cause white goes with everything, plus it really looks cool with the sleek design and I love how they seem to blend with the whiteness of the walls. Their color, simplicity and rectangular shape creates the illusion that there not even there. Look, there’s something green growing from inside the wall! OK, I went rampage mode again, time to take a deep breath as mom always says, which brings me to my last point.

Mom’s Off the Hook – I’m Game

The fact that I’m 29, single, and a poor caretaker of all that doesn’t come with a charger should tell you enough about how fond I am of commitment (uhh the scary word). However, what I am especially not fond of is reassigning my tasks to someone else. Kudos to self watering plants, I won’t have to pay the price of intrusion for a little bit of green invasion. For instance, If I want to spend 7 days camping at the annual festival Splendour in the Grass I don’t have to give someone spare keys (that would be my mom) as to be able to check on the plants and water them.


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