Birds Of The Bible by Peter Goodfellow – Book Review

Birds Of The Bible by Peter Goodfellow – Book Review

Birds of the Bible is a truly fascinating and unique book, the main theme of which are the bird species mentioned in the Bible. If you are a birdwatcher, then reading the Birds of the Bible will be like combining two passions in one. When you conjure two dimensions together (the spiritual and natural one) – it can bring a new light in your life. Below we will go over the most enlightening chapters of the Birds of The Bible book in effort to create an inspiring and vivid atmosphere for you as a reader.


In the first chapter, the author speaks about the location and conditions of the birds. Afterwards, he answers various questions regarding how birds were created, their origin goes, their fossils and biblical names. Another amazing thing is the fact that Peter Goodfellow uses the birds’ names in both English and Hebrew. His purpose is to pass on the knowledge on clean and unclean birds and go through all bird families mentioned in the Bible.

In the next chapter, he speaks of the migration of clean birds and the connection between them and the Jesus Christ. He gathered information from the common beliefs of the 18th century which pass on the information that the birds migrated to Egypt before returning back to Israel. Some pieces of the book are written in great details, whereas some are not – which is in a fact is a genius move by Peter since he decided to go in depth only regarding the most important birds that have the strongest symbolical meaning.

In the chapter about eagles and vultures (which are also mentioned in the Bible) the author makes a parallel between these animals and different aspects of humanity that are relevant even today. Sacrifice is also another subject that is mentioned a couple of times in the book because birds were a huge part of many ancient rituals.

Birds are a crucial part of the bible, and Peter explores this further in his book. He touches upon their storytelling role and how it all connects with the major bible characters. The book abounds in incredible illustrations that furthermore add to the completion of the puzzle.

Birds Of The Bible book is a must-read for anyone who wants to nurture their faith in Christ and their passion for birds at the same time. If you are a spiritual person and nature lover, the paragraphs above were just the tip of the iceberg, a hint of the incredible knowledge you can attain by reading this book.


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