mini electric guitar

Choosing a Cool Mini Electric Guitar for Your Little Rock Star

Is your kid holding imaginary rock concerts playing on an air guitar or a stick? Well, maybe it’s time you introduce him/her to the real thing! Don’t let your kid’s young age scare you, it’s never too early to learn how to play this instrument. In fact, learning how to play is not the tricky part – it’s finding the type of electric guitar most suitable for a child. Once you’ve found the right model, your kid will start playing chords like a little rock star in no time. With that being said, here’s how to choose a kid-friendly mini electric guitar.

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Less Strings Means More Fun!

Generally, the greatest difficulty a young learner faces is dealing with the strings. This finger goes here, and that finger goes there, and the rest just clumsily fumble around trying to make sense. But if there are less strings in the way, the child can find it much easier to master the basic chords which are the foundation of learning more complex ones. That’s why a 3-string mini electric guitar is considered such a great choice for a young learner. Not only will the child remember the chords much easier, but the reduced number of strings also sound exactly the same as a standard 6-string guitar does. This kind of simplified guitar design helps eliminate the initial anxiety and boost young learners’ confidence which is key to continue improving.

If It Fits, It Sits!

If the guitar is too large or too small, no matter how many strings it has, a child will find it difficult to properly hold it and reach around it which can cause frustration. So, before your bring out your money, it’s usually advisable that the child tries holding the guitar to see how it fits. But in some situations that isn’t exactly possible, like for instance when you’re shopping online or plan to surprise your kid. In that case, there are some general guidelines to guitar size depending on children’s age:

  • Ages 4 to 6 – a 75 cm long guitar
  • Ages 6 to 9 – a 85 cm long guitar
  • Ages 9 to 19 – a 90 cm long guitar
  • Choose Something Personal

Let’s face it, little kids are complicated when it comes to their taste. Something as choosing the wrong colour can backfire disastrously and make your child not want to play the guitar. With that being said, it’s important to choose a design that appeals to your child’s personality. You can also further personalize the guitar by adding stickers of their favourite cartoon characters or musicians.


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