Embrace Grace While Reading God’s Wise Words

Embrace Grace While Reading God’s Wise Words


The Bible is the only revelation of God’s true will and nature. In my opinion, every Christian has to read it thoroughly to become wiser, better and righteous. It’s the heartwarming messages we want to hear, the understanding of who God is and how He wants us to live our lives filled with love, freedom and faith. It’s the words that embrace us and make us feel safe, it’s the personal journey you go through while reading it and the fascinating stories of Jesus’s kindness and sincere love for the human mind. The Bible is all of this and so much more. God made sure that we will “rightly handle the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) and if we understand how to read the Bible, we will be on the right path to do that.

Even though “the book of all books” seems a bit forgotten by the modern society, many Christians throughout the world still see it as the most important tool in learning the truth about life. And if we don’t want to adapt to the Bible, the Bible is made to adapt to our busy and modern needs and schedules. After centuries of surviving, God’s wise words can be easily found and purchased on the internet, just a click away from our random Google search or our daily newspaper read. If you don’t have the time to go to the bookstore, you can purchase the Good News Bible online in a matter of seconds. Reading the Bible is not just learning the epic adventures of God, it’s about surrendering yourself and letting Him enter into your life and guide you with His humbleness.

Our Lord brings salvation with His presence, so don’t be afraid to tell Him your inner thoughts and to show Him your inner self. The most important thing you can do is talk to Him: through prayer, through the Bible, through songs and simply through glory. We have to accept the authority of the Bible as the ultimate deciding factor on issues that are concerning every Christian in the world and we have to maintain our daily prayer as our healing task of utmost importance. We need to read the Bible regularly and with understanding because only like that we will believe in the words of our savior. Bible reading can be pretty discouraging for some, especially for new Christians. That’s why if you are searching for a simple written Bible, look for the Good News Bible online so you could appreciate and enjoy God’s wise words in totality. The Good News Bible provides an understandable language for everyone, from kids to adults and especially for newcomers who expect their faith to grow better and stronger.

We must stay fully awake if we sincerely want to welcome God in our lives. Just raise your voice to the Lord and He will hear you, glorify His name and celebrate His will and He will bring hope into your life. This will be the start of a new journey for each and every one of us that will restore our lost faith and will bring back the light and happiness in our mortal, everyday lives.


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