“If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet” – Rachel Wolchin
There are so many places to go, yet so little time. Over the years, being witnesses of the technological advancements as well as being directly affected by them, we’ve learned how to be constantly pressed for time and used to feeling frazzled. Then if we’re lucky, after all the days of being workaholics we get the chance to enjoy some days off, taking to the road and visiting new places. While all this is going on, unless we pay attention, this sort of speeded lifestyle can start taking its toll on our health, and constantly being on the run then sitting it out at work and at home can seriously affect the state of our feet.
It’s unfortunate to how great of an extent we neglect our feet. Often, we are more or less guilty of choosing shoes that aren’t exactly our perfect fit just because we like them as much as we like the idea of following trends. This is the primary mistake that leads to foot problems, which only exacerbate when combined with predominantly sedentary lifestyles at home and running for errands at work. If you have bony feet, you’re even at a greater risk at getting certain problems.
Uncomfortable shoes can cause pain and numerous problems by forcing feet into odd shapes. As women, it’s nothing new to us since we’re used to pain and odd shapes when wearing our beloved high heels. Luckily, podiatrists and orthotists have come up with ingenious foot cushions for shoes that not only make it more bearable being in uncomfortable shoes but help ameliorate certain issues as well.
Corns and calluses are rather similar, as they’re both formed by dead skin cells which is actually a defence system by the feet against excessive pressure. While the corn develops on top of or between the toes, the callus develops on the ball or heel, and they both cause sharp pain. Flat feet in ill-fitted shoes result in hammertoes. Apart from avoiding wearing too loose or too tight shoes, foot cushions for shoes also have an impact in relieving pressure points so it wouldn’t hurt wearing them. The soft and expandable slip-on gel the cushions are made of release moisturisers which help soften the skin, proving to be effective with corns, hammertoes and blisters.
If shoes aren’t the main culprit, and you’re still developing these discomforts and foot pains, then bear in mind feet are the indicator of serious health problems, such as diabetes, arthritis and vascular diseases so pay attention to what your feet are trying to tell you. Pregnancy, due to weight gain, and old age are risk factors too. As we age, the feet widen and flatten so these problems are more likely to happen. Along with wearing shoe cushions, it’s time we started treating feet the way we treat the face – with all the care and devotion. If we want to be out and about, a little foot massage wouldn’t hurt.