The more you drive your car the more it gets worn down and less sturdy than it once was. This is an inevitable process no matter if you drive your car or if you just let it sit in the garage most of the time. One thing that becomes more and more prominent as the years go by is noise. At first, when you get a new car, noises are only there when you put your vehicle’s engine to the test or when your car displays a warning.
As time goes by more and more noises start to appear such as wind noise especially when driving on the motorway. But with a little bit of effort and time, this can easily be sorted by installing acoustic car mats. Just as you would install an aluminised exhaust system or a new suspension you should consider installing some soundproofing mats. This way you will keep outer noises from making your driving experience less enjoyable.
How to Install Soundproof Insulation in Car

1. When installing mats you always need to start with the floor Since I was first starting out in the car insulation business there was always one simple solution to sound deaden your car with – mats. Acoustic matting for cars has always been the go-to for many customers including myself.
2. The floor of your car is the closest surface to the road which is where most of the outside noise comes from. I would advise you to start from the floor too but just make sure you remove everything from it so that only bare metal is all that’s left.
3. With everything stripped from your car, take the acoustic matting and cut it according to the area you want to cover. What I do is start with the largest areas first and the most difficult corners so that when I’m done the easy part is all that is left. Measure the area you want to cover up and then cut enough matting so that there is no metal visible when you match it.
4. The same should be done with the doors which are the second most popular area in your car that gets lined with acoustic matting for cars. I cannot stress how much wind noise can enter through the doors as well as windows but you can’t mat up the windows. When it comes to the doors I would suggest you first disconnect the battery terminals before you start stripping the doors.
5. Since there are electrical plugs once you get past the door panel, disconnecting them with the battery still on can create some issues. Again once everything is removed and you can see the bare metal body of your vehicle, measure well and cut up some acoustic lining or mats. Install them by applying firm pressure on the mats with your hands or a squeegee so that no air bubbles are present.

6. The last place where you can install any sort of car acoustic insulation, not just mats, is the roof. I would leave the roof last since there is not as much noise coming from it. You can only really notice noise coming from the roof when travelling at high speeds.
7. Lining the roof with car acoustic insulation is not as easy, since gravity is working against you. Here you should know to take your time and not get aggravated when things are working against you. Just take it easy and you’ll finish insulating your roof before you even know it.
Other Things You Can do To Make Your Car Quieter
The next best thing I would suggest you do after installing some car acoustic insulation is to check the tires. Tires can create a lot of road noise, especially ones that don’t have the adequate amount of air in them. If your tires are worn out replace them but if they’re not and you have them filled with the right amount of air then consider upgrading them. A set of tires made with a higher profile, made from a softer and more durable material are going to reduce road noise drastically.

Sometimes other more serious issues can arise which can be the cause for noise when driving your car. This issue mainly has to do with the engine which is why you should inspect your engine on a regular basis and especially when you hear noises coming from it. Even if it’s not an engine-related component causing the noise yous should still check if the engine is running right.
Proper and regular maintenance is needed for many other reasons than just noise. Regularly taking your vehicle to a local mechanic to check on its most essential systems, especially if its an older vehicle, is a must. This will also help you save some time and money on bigger issues since you will be able to get rid of them on time instead of waiting for them to become more serious.