While most women are more concerned in what happens after they conceive, thinking about what should, must and can they do before they even start trying to get pregnant is definitely more important. Guided by their desire and eagerness to become mothers, most mums-to-be skip that part and get right on reading “Baby Care 101 for First-time Parents”. Before committing to a new role as a parent, it is of utmost importance to be 100% ready for a baby and do your homework.
Your homework, compared to your kid’s homework that you’ll be helping them with one day, is much easier than theirs. All you have to do is reach out to all the mothers you know, both online and offline, read a plenty of books, magazines and articles regarding babies and parenthood and do everything that might provide you with essential information. Oh, all right, your homework is not much easier.
Babies are a true blessing, but they do take up a lot of time and energy, even when they are only a plan. Knowing as much as possible about the life of a mother can help you get ready for when your mother-time comes so it won’t catch you by surprise. However, it is impossible to know everything there is about motherhood until you experience it first-hand. Here are 4 basic, yet must-know facts that every woman should know before getting pregnant.
No Coffee, No Alcohol, No Cigarettes, No Partying for 9 Months
Many mums-to-be continue smoking, drinking coffee and alcohol at parties while they’re trying to get pregnant. Well I’m sorry if I rain on your parade, but by doing so, you’re greatly and effectively reducing your chances of getting pregnant. Implementing a healthier lifestyle is highly recommended and that does not only include eating healthier foods, but also getting rid of any addiction you might have. If you think that pregnancy “forces” you to “give up” on so many things you love like a glass of wine or an extra-large pizza, maybe pregnancy is not for you.
Few Extra Pounds Are a Sure Thing
Regardless of your diet, you’re about to gain a few pounds during your pregnancy and that’s normal. Many women are unaware of that fact and start freaking out as soon as they notice two pounds more on the scale. But the last thing a pregnant woman needs is freaking out, because it can be dangerous for the baby. Once you get into the second trimester, you’ll need to include 300 more calories and 200 more in the third trimester. That can result in a maximum of 40 extra pounds by the end of your pregnancy. But don’t worry, most of the weight you gain is not fat. Those 40 pounds contain your baby, breast tissues, blood supply, placenta, uterus growth, amniotic fluid and of course, some fats.
You’ll Need to Increase Your Consumption of Foods High in Folic Acid
I know that you’ve read it a thousand times, but eating healthy ensures your optimal health and so increases the chances of getting pregnant. Besides foods high in protein and carbohydrates, foods that contain folic acid play an important role for pregnant women. Folic acid is important from the very moment of conceiving a baby, as it helps in preventing serious birth defects. Beans, cereals, rice, pastas, bread, leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits are some of the richest sources of this incredible vitamin, not to mention incredibly delicious.
You Can Get Pregnant as Soon as 24h After Unprotected Sex
Although not too common, you can get pregnant as soon as 24 hours after having unprotected sex. Sometimes 24 hours is all that your man’s sperm needs to meet your egg cells and fertilize one (if you’re ovulating, of course). If you used to take birth control pills, missing only one or two pills can leave you unprotected, because today’s birth control pills contain a very low dose of hormones. So before you go off the pill, make sure you’re 100% ready for a baby, because you might get pregnant in your very first attempt.