If I’m being honest, I’ve always hated math. I just hated the idea that some kids were able to calculate something in their head and I needed more time, and most importantly, I needed a paper and pencil to write it down. But if I were a kid now, well, things have been a lot different. Instead of feeling jealous on other kids, I would probably love mathematics thanks to today’s smart books. I gave them the name smart because they really are, they teach you how to do mental math and calculate things in your head. Amazing, right?! There are a lot of such books available on the market these days, and the most popular ones are the New Wave Mental books for math. But before learning how they can help you, let’s see what is mental math exactly.
Well, mental math basically means owning skills that will allow you to do math in your head without having to write it down on paper. Even though in the past teachers and the books in schools didn’t have the habit of teaching students about these tricks, nowadays, there are lots of books that can help children learn how to do this. Being able to do math in your head can help you a lot in your everyday life and will help children have a better understanding of math concepts. That way, even kids like me who couldn’t do math in their head can do it now. Out of all books, there’s one particular set of books that make things easier and better, and that is the New Wave Mental Maths books.
What Is New Wave Mental Maths?
Well, the secret behind it is that New Wave Mental Maths can captivate the minds of youngsters by making learning fast, easy and fun. Through the help of some engaging activities and stimulating visuals, children can imagine things in their heads and calculate anything easily and fast. The number of these books is huge, and all of them allow you to build your foundation easily while giving children the flexibility to practice things anytime they want. These books are intended for children from senior infants to 6th class and they are easily written to help them learn all the tricks and tips quickly and easily. Visually rich and engaging, these math books can help your child learn and practice mathematics and improve his skill levels in doing math in his head.
What Are the Benefits of Teaching Kids Mental Math from These Books?

Increased Concentration and Focus
In a world of cellphones, tablets and computers, let your child learn mental math and practice mindfulness. Doing maths is good for exercising the brain and keeping it sharp, and with the help of these maths books, you’ll be able to help your child practice concentration, focus and mindfulness.
Emotional Regulation
Did you know that maths can help people learn how to manage and deal with emotions?! Whenever feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, solving some mathematics problems can help him regain control over his emotions. The secret behind being great in math, especially in mental math lies in the fact of being able to concentrate and focus. So, whenever feeling down or anxious, your child can seek shelter in solving math problems as this will give him control over his feelings. That way, he can reduce stress and improve his mood.
Improved Memory
Doing mental math requires strong memory which explains the fact why mathematics is related to improved memory. An important thing to know about math and kids is that every kid is different and they aren’t ‘made’ by a pattern. This means that every child can develop math skills at a different pace, but luckily these sets of books are here to help them ‘speed up’ this process and help them think faster.
Improved Resilience
Basic math might seem as easy, however, for some kids it can seem like rocket science. So, instead of blaming him or yourself for not being smart, you can invest in a proper book for his age and help your child learn how to do mental math. As time goes by, he won’t only be able to solve more difficult tasks but he will also obtain a sense of accomplishment which in the long run can build his resilience. The process of solving things and dealing with more difficult math can help your child learn how to deal with success and failure at the same time which can positively affect his life in the future. In the end, no one can predict the challenges of life, so helping your child improve his mental resilience (even true math) can help him become more resilient and able to withstand anything that life throws at him. In order to help him develop this resilient side of his, start small with the most basic concepts of doing mental math after which you’ll proceed giving him more difficult tasks. Let him practice different tasks and let him fail at some, that way he’ll learn how to deal with everything, especially with his emotions. This will also help him learn that giving up is not an option.