The wardrobe essentials of a ballerina might be many and quite significant for them, but the truth is that little aspiring ballerinas can benefit a lot from having plush toys as well. After all, even though ballet might be a serious sport, don’t forget that your ballerina is just a child and as such will enjoy this activity a lot more if you make it as fun as possible for her.
I know what I’m talking about. My little ballerina toy has not only helped me a lot through the different stages of learning ballet, but also in the confusing process of growing up, so getting your little one her plus ballerina doll might help her as well. How? Well, these are just some of the reasons.
Provide Her with Comfort

Let’s not fool ourselves, entering into the big world and being a responsible human being can be scary. While parents are always there for their children to help them and guide them, it’s stuffed plush toys that provide them with the needed comfort when no one is around. Having a plush doll is the ideal source of comfort for aspiring ballerinas who are firmly decided to become professionals.
With a plush friend by their side, little ballerinas will be able to rely on their dolls in distressful situations and in unfamiliar environments like performing in studios or on stage. It’s said that children consider their favourite stuffed dolls as a family member, as a real person (even though they know they’re not), so this explains the reason why they always carry their favourite toys with them.
Boost Confidence and Independence

Parents, mainly moms, know the struggle of going out without their children because of them not wanting to leave their side. Introducing your little one to a soft plush doll from an early age will help your child become more independent. You can help your little girl by encouraging her to play alone with her stuffed doll, and little by little she will improve her confidence. If she’s too shy in the beginning, you can give her a little push by showing her several pretend games. Once she feels more confident, she’ll start to play alone with her favourite stuffed doll which in fact will become her best friend and ally when going to school or ballet performances.
Improved Sensory Skills

Now besides all of the aforementioned things, the best of all is that her favourite toy can also help her improve her sensory skills. Introducing little children with stuffed toys and animals helps improve their sight and touch since their favourite toy will always be near them and with them. Snuggling, carrying it by its hand, playing with it or just simply exploring its colours will help her improve her sensory skills.
Improved Language Skills

Toddlers are the cutest when they start talking. The baby talk is simply adorable, especially if it’s followed by the cutest baby hand gesticulations. Over time, some kids can get shy and even embarrassed for not being able to pronounce some words the right way. Having conversations with their stuffed toys will help them improve their language skills over time, which is also another way of improving their confidence.
Help Her Deal with Their Emotions

Instead of fighting or being rebels, children can easily vent and deal with their more complex emotions by role-playing with their dolls. Given the fact that they already have a friend in them, children will be able to express their feelings through play with a friend that listens and understands. By doing so, your little one will be more relaxed and ready to face any obstacle without feeling scared or angry.
A Way to Practice Her Social Skills

Sometimes can be quite difficult for a child to fit in school or in a group of children. Thanks to their best friend, they will be able to pretend play where they can recreate some uncomfortable situations for themselves, and they can experience by recreating different scenarios. By doing this, your child will improve their confidence and way of communication with other children. She will learn to share things with friends, practice taking turns and empathizing with others.
Teach Her to Become More Responsible

By having a plush toy, your little girl will become more responsible and will pretend as if it was her parent. At some stage of her life, she will put it to bed, feed it and even bathe it. Although this might sound strange to you, the truth is that this will help your girl become a more responsible person and more importantly an empathetic person. Hence, she will take all of her classes more serious and will strive to perform the exercises and techniques in the best possible way.