Good comebacks

How to Recognize the Right Moment to Say Good Comebacks When Insulted?

Good comebacks

Being ridiculed by everyone in the room is one of the worst moments we’ve all experienced in our lives and that is absolutely our fault. Why? Because we’ve had an opportunity to fire back with good insults and shut them up for good, but we didn’t. Delivering comebacks at the right moment is half the battle. Even if you deliver a witty comeback as it was personally crafted by Martin Crane from the series “Frasier”, you miss the right moment – you fail.

Sometimes, even the simple two-word comeback and those popular one-liners fail to save us from the spotlight of ridicule. The reason is that you’ve taken a few more seconds to process the insult than you should’ve and by the time you’ve delivered a well-crafted comeback, they all had a good laugh at you. The war of words requires quick-witted thinking, no fear of giving them a bit crueler version of yourself and an ability to feel the right moment.

Although for many ignorance seem to be the right response to mean insults, what those mean people truly deserve is good rude comebacks, especially designed to make their poisonous words backfire. Some people are naturally capable of coming up with good comebacks in an argument, while others are not so lucky. If you belong to the latter group, don’t worry; you can still stop a bully from their verbal attack.

The art of effective and good comebacks depends on having quick thinking skills. Not everyone is skilled at such, but everyone can develop quick thinking skills by reading, learning and memorizing some of the best comebacks that can be found on the Internet. Another good way to improve your quick-thinking is simulating a conversation in which you’re witty and you come up with good comebacks for jerks.

In order to recognize the right moment for your comeback, you need to have the situation analyzed on time. Is it a friend, your boss or an enemy? Is it just a joke or a mean insult to hurt your feelings? Should you be funny or rude? If you timely analyze the situation, you stand great chances in delivering a perfectly timed comeback to shut them up. If you fail, you’ll probably be late and be the laughing matter for some time.

Another important tip is to listen carefully to the person who’s trying to insult you and pay attention to every word they say. The best comebacks are the ones that are especially designed as a response to their insult-attempt. Also, sometimes they present comeback opportunities themselves by letting their guard down for a moment, but you can only recognize them if you’re being careful. If you don’t think of a good comeback right away or at least a moment they’re done talking, you better accept that the joke is on you and save it for some other time.

Even if you hit the right moment, off-topic insults and comebacks won’t be funny or effective. Therefore, it is important to work on your mean comebacks quick-developing skills than reading mean and funny comebacks already used by other people, probably in different situations too.


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