Mattress Memory Foam

Sleep Matters – Tips to Stay at the Top of Your Game

You think your success is defined by the amount of hours you put in at work? All your days start early and end late. You begin your day with checking your email and end it by sending one from bed right before you set the alarm clock. You work overtime just because you’re left with one more task to finish and well, because it conveys an impression of a rather hard-working person. Then you go home and start a brainstorming session at 9:00 PM for the tasks you have the following day. Sleep? What’s that?

It has been ingrained in our minds that sleeplessness is something we’ll need to get used to and be comfortable with if we were to somehow climb to the top of the corporate ladder. So we set out to prove ourselves to the CEO or better yet – to ourselves and see how far we can push our drained bodies. You look at the clock and think it is only 10:00 PM so you take your laptop and for all you know it is already 2:20 AM. You wake up cranky, grumpy, your face is an utter mess and you find yourself needing three espressos and just as much RedBulls to make it through the day with only 3 and a half hours of sleep. Ouch.

Frankly, there is only one way to be the best version of yourself and to reach the top without suffering major consequences such as getting divorced, collapsing or realizing that you’ve missed your children’s childhood. Getting enough sleep. Yes, it is the ultimate way to be more joyful, inspired and productive. In a nutshell – you should sleep your way to the top – literally! Now let’s help you out turn a new, more exciting and productive page in your life.

Mattress Memory Foam

The mattress you sleep on

A memory foam mattress is a great start to reset your sleep cycle and be able to get a good amount of Zs without tossing and turning much after you’ve gone to bed. Why is this particular mattress so praised? Being made from a substance called viscoelastic, the mattress memory foam is very soft and energy absorbent. It moulds to the body in response to pressure and heat and it also evenly distributes the body weight. Once you remove your body pressure from a certain point, it goes back to its original shape. Being based on technology from NASA, bed mattress memory foam helps relieve pressure points which are normally experienced with standard foams.

Know your ideal sleep numbers

Notice how many hours of sleep you need every night so that you perform your best the following day. Beware though, this is not something that can be easily deducted as energy drinks, coffee, alcohol and the light from devices can interfere with your circadian rhythm. It is a fact that nowadays our exposure to sunlight is reduced and we are more exposed to electrical light at night. As a result of this, there is a delay in our internal clocks. If you can’t get used to fall asleep at a reasonable time at night, get into bed about 30 minutes earlier than you did the previous night so that you readjust your internal clock.

Resist the temptations

There is no doubt that it takes huge self-control and will power to change certain patterns. For the sake of your good night’s sleep and well-being, stop looking at your phone 30 minutes before you drift off to dream land. Social media is very addictive, so wondering how many likes you got on your new Facebook post or whether that boy/girl followed you back or not on Instagram can certainly keep you awake. If you find this reason enough to stare at a screen rather than sleep, then you got another problem to solve first.


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