camping airbeds

Types of Camping Beds: Get Your Z’s as You Please

When it comes to camping there is no doubt that a good night’s sleep starts with having the right type of mattress. Speaking from personal experience, having little to no sleep when camping can turn into a real nightmare especially if you plan on having some interesting activities the next day like exploring the place or hiking. Now, let me get something out of chest from the very start – you can right here and right now forget about all the “dreamy” commercials that try to convince you how precisely this product is ideal for everyone. The truth is that there is no such thing as ‘fit for everyone’ product because we are all different, so if a sleeping bag, for example, works for me, it might not work for you. It is safe to say that the golden rule is the more you read the more you know (the more you try, in my case, as I tried a lot of types of camping beds). That being said, keep reading if you want to narrow down your choices.