The Importance of Locating Underground Utilities as a Contractor
You’re on a job site, ready to dig, and you have no idea what’s lurking beneath the surface. There could be electrical lines, water pipes, or gas mains just waiting to turn your project into a disaster. For contractors, this subterranean labyrinth is both a blessing and a potential minefield. In this post, we’ll unearth the vital importance of pinpointing underground utilities as a contractor. First, you’ll need a dependable tool that will do the detective work for you. Anyone working in construction or excavation will benefit from a CAT 4 kit that sends signals into the ground and listens for responses from buried utilities. It can detect not just power lines, but also telecom cables, water pipes, and more. Its trusty sidekick, the Genny4, sends out signals that the CAT can pick up. This helps you pinpoint the exact location and depth of the cables.