AEMC PEL-103 Energy

Features and Applications of the AEMC PEL-103 Energy Data Logger

Most people are confused and don’t really know what to do when it comes to fixing a problem with electricity in their home, and rightly so – you need to have a good understanding of what you are doing before you mess with your home’s electrical installation. I’m always amazed by the fact how, sometimes, people can be easily impressed even by the simplest tests or fixes. Try unplugging and plugging back in the WiFi adapter in your grandparent’s house when the connection is lost – and they will look at you like you just discovered fire. At the risk of sounding too self-important, that is precisely why my favourite job has become analyzing electrical parameters. My ideal tool for the job, the aemc pel 103, has made me look like Thor more times than I’d like to admit, and that’s why I love working with it.