garden shed with bitumen shingles

A Guide to the Best Materials for a Storage Shed

Personally, I really loved the idea of having a garden shed in my small backyard, and until today, I’m really grateful that I have made that decision. Even though small, the shed I chose is spacious enough to gather all of my gardening essential tools without compromising the look of my backyard. My pick is a narrow metal shed because of the limited free space, however, keep in mind the list of home storage sheds and materials is huge. This gives you the freedom to select the right one for your outdoor area.

Planter Box

Self-Watering Planters Can Help You Grow a Thriving Indoor Garden

Unfortunately, living in constantly growing urbanized environments leaves less and less space for us to enjoy natural greenery. And when you nurture a love for plants but life’s circumstances have you stuck living in a city apartment, this can seem heartbreaking. Although you might think that gardening is only possible if you have a yard and the time, today’s revolutionary planters argue otherwise. Modern self-watering planters have really made people think more about indoor gardens.

Planter Boxes


A Splash of Green in a Tech Scene

Living alone in a small flat in Darwin at 29, having my share of a hard day’s night from the comfort of my home and spending most of my free time deeply engaged in playing all sorts of addictive strategy games might sound like living the dream for the tech savvy like myself. However, as of late, all of this has started to take its toll on my mental health. Nothing serious, just the mean reds that sometimes can really hang you up the most.

Two months ago, I felt as if every cell of my body was screaming for a change, something had to be rearranged, but what precious, what? Yes, the lack of company did not only result in lack of cheer but also in a Gollum-like atmosphere in my head. No, I’m not going crazy, I just spend too much time staring at a screen. So that’s when it dawned on me that I desperately need to bring about a more lively vibe to my robotic surroundings.

Cats, dogs and so many tech gadgets and cables don’t go together, so I decided I’m not down for that. The next obvious thing on the list were plants, but believe me, as much as I am able to keep a warrior priestess alive, no plant has ever thrived under my watch. I regularly forget to water them on time, then I try to make up for it all at once and I end up drowning dehydrated plants, end of story, happens every time.