A Guide to Mitsubishi Triton Accessories: The Most Popular Accessories and Where to Find Them

A Guide to Mitsubishi Triton Accessories: The Most Popular Accessories and Where to Find Them

Mitsubishi Triton is one of Australia’s most popular trucks. It is also one of the best work vehicles in the market because it can do almost everything – from towing heavy loads and carrying large numbers of people, to spreading earth with a front-end loader or clearing fallen trees with a hydraulic tree cutter.
Triton has been around for more than half a century now, which makes it one of the longest-serving vehicles on Australian roads today. Even with so many years under its belt, this truck still gets excellent reviews. As a result, owners can choose between a wide range of accessories to customise their Triton and make it excel in any particular area, whether off-roading or using it as the ultimate workhorse. Here are some of the most sought-after aftermarket accessories: