I don’t get people who have the need to change phones every year. Do they really need all that computing power to run Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook? What’s wrong with my Samsung Galaxy S5 that I bought a few years ago? Absolutely nothing, which is why I still have it. If you need a phone that has a 2.x GHz octa-core processor and 8GB of RAM, then you’re better off getting a laptop or a desktop. I get that phones are more convenient and you can carry them everywhere, but spending a thousand dollars on the iPhone X when you spent another thousand dollars last year on the iPhone 9 or whatever, seems like a bit of an overkill.

If you’re well-off and actually use most of the new features introduced with new smartphones, all the power to you, go spend that money. But if you’re struggling with paying your bills, and you don’t use your phone for anything else besides listening to music and social media, then is spending that much money on a phone that you don’t make the most out of really worth it? What baffles me even more is how careless people are with their phones. Why would you pay a thousand dollars for a gadget if you’re going to just leave it at the club table for it to get splashed with booze? At least buy a phone case and a protective glass so that your delicate investment has a chance to survive if it accidentally gets in harm’s way.
My Samsung Galaxy S5 is spotless thanks to the Incipio Samsung Galaxy S5 case I got for it the same day I purchased the phone. I didn’t spend too much on it, but I do remember how happy I was for being so responsible and for spending my hard-earned money on something that I really needed and wanted to have for so long. Besides the Incipio Samsung Galaxy S5 case, I also bought a protective glass that didn’t cost me more than a couple of bucks to keep my screen spotless all these years.

When shopping, look for a case that’s functional and practical. Don’t buy that cute case off of eBay or Amazon just because it’s sparkly and cute. It’s meant to protect your phone, not transform it into something it’s not. Buy a rugged case that can actually withstand impact and abuse. Do your research on the cases you’re looking at and find out what features they have. And please, don’t buy a cheap case – if you’ve spent a thousand dollars on a phone, spend 50 more on a quality protective case. At least that may give you a better chance of making the most out of your investment.