As parents, we know how important is outdoor time for our children. Catching sunlight before noon is vital for regulating our circadian rhythm, and spending time in the fresh air is a vital immunity booster. That’s why we constantly search for outdoor activities that will interest our children in spending more time outside away from screens.
Riding a scooter can be such an activity. Children find it fun and exciting enough to go back to it, again and again, every day. If your child doesn’t have a scooter yet, it’s maybe time to visit a reputable scooter shop and find one they will like. Here are some of the main benefits of scooters for children.
It Improves Gross and Fine Motor Skills

Motor skills development starts immediately after a baby is born. We learn them day by day and improve them constantly. Gross motor skills are essential for major movements, such as walking, running and balancing. Fine motor skills refer to using the small bones and muscles for fine movements, such as writing, typing and head-eye coordination.
Riding a scooter helps the development of children’s motor skills in every way. They engage both sides of their bodies and different muscle groups when they learn how to push the scooter with a kick. And they also learn how to balance, which is a critical skill for many activities later in life. It’s also great preparation for riding a bike.
It’s a Great Way for Physical Activity
For children to want to engage in physical activity regularly, it needs to be one they enjoy. Otherwise, they won’t get motivated to go out and move their bodies. Riding a scooter is a fun and enjoyable activity and a great way for active play and movement.
When children ride scooters, they get the aerobic activity they need and an opportunity to strengthen their bones and muscles.
It Boosts Their Confidence
Riding a scooter is a skill that takes time to learn. It’s not complicated, and anyone can learn to ride, even children with developmental delays. Still, it’s a skill that needs to be mastered, and when kids manage to do that, it boosts their confidence. They also get better at controlling their bodies, which helps them learn self-control, which is very important for their emotional and mental health. In the long run, children who have an opportunity to build their self-esteem early in life often become successful and responsible people.
It Helps Social Interaction

Children that often play outside and are good at sports and other outdoor activities make friendships more easily. They establish better relationships with the people around them, especially when they engage in the same activity. I’m sure you’ve seen several kids riding on scooters in the neighbourhood, racing. Fights rarely occur in these cases, just fun and laughter. Although not a team activity, riding scooters is an excellent way for your child to interact with their peers.
If you’re looking for a way to bond with your child, riding scooters together can be your new favourite outdoor activity. There are many advantages of using scooters in the city, so it can also be a great way to get somewhere together. It’s faster than walking and an excellent opportunity for them to learn traffic rules. If you use eco-friendly alternatives yourself as means for transportation, your child will use them more naturally. This will instil good habits in them as they grow up since both kids and adults find scooters a favourite ride.
It Encourages Creative Play
Children can use their scooters to get somewhere, but they don’t need a destination to ride them, as is the case with riding bikes. They can ride them around the neighbourhood or even in the yard if you have a bigger one. Riding in limited space can be a great way for kids to engage in imaginative play. I’ve seen kids riding in circles, pretending to be shopping or going to school. Simple activities are always the best way to encourage a child to use their creativity.
How to Choose the Best Scooter for Your Child
We want the best for our children, and we want nothing less from the scooter we decide to buy them. A scooter isn’t just a simple toy, and that’s why we want to buy a high-quality one that will last longer. Buy your scooter from a trusted scooter shop offering the best brands at great prices.
There are different models and sizes when it comes to kids’ scooters.
The three-wheeled scooters can have one front wheel and two rear or two front wheels, and one rear. The second option is the best when buying a scooter for little ones from 2 to 6 years old. These scooters will give them the stability they need to learn to ride and balance. Older kids have greater balance, so they usually love two-wheeled scooters.
When we talk about the size of a scooter, it can refer to wheel size and its height. Smaller wheels are a better option for children. And when looking at the handle height, it’s best that the handlebar is in height with the belly button and not higher than the kid’s shoulders. This is very important if you want to avoid future injuries.
Safety First

Being safe is the only way for kids to have fun and benefit from riding a scooter. You need to keep them safe when you’re together and teach them to be safe when they’re on their own.
Wearing a helmet and knee and elbow pads will protect them if they fall. You need to be sure that they wear them all the time. Right footwear, like sneakers, is also important for riding the scooter well. And teach them road safety. Make sure that they know all the important signs. Spend some time showing them pictures and giving them clear instructions.
The Bottom Line
It’s not easy to decide on buying something that your child might fall off and hurt themselves. Having all the benefits of riding a scooter in mind will help us make the right decision. Buying the right scooter and keeping them safe will also help the process and make the significant step to let go. When we see them ride with confidence, have fun and develop essential skills, we’ll know we made the right decision.