It’s a biological fact that male and female bodies are different. Being a woman, I can easily say that female bodies need more of certain things, like for instance sugar, spice, and everything nice. So, if you manage to meet all your nutritional and vitamin needs through food alone, consider yourself very lucky. But if you’re like me and find yourself regularly exhausted or lacking certain nutrients, you might want to consider trying some chemical X, or in other words, some health supplements. Here’s a list of the best women’s health supplements that will help you go through your day more energized than ever.
Folic Acid
You’ve probably heard how great folic acid is for preventing certain health conditions, such as heart disease, elevated blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory loss. However, the benefits of regularly taking folic acid go beyond just that, especially for women. Since we are more prone to suffering from anaemia, women’s health supplements that contain folic acid can help prevent the condition by supporting a normal growth of red cells. Furthermore, folic acid is also recommended to be used as a prenatal vitamin as it helps promote a healthy neurological development of the fetus.
As women age, especially around the time menopause occurs, they experience a dramatic drop in calcium levels and bone density. Supplementing with calcium helps them to keep their bones healthy and strong and prevent osteoporosis during pre-menopause. Furthermore, calcium is also great in fighting the symptoms of PMS – a study found that taking 500mg of calcium carbonate twice a day for 3 months, has helped women experience less fatigue, depression and prevented changes in their appetite. These effects might be due to how calcium affects certain female hormones.
Ah, magnesium, another wonderful nutrient that helps deal with certain PMS troubles. If you regularly experience bloating, fluid retention and breast tenderness around “that time of the month”, taking 360 mg of magnesium a day can be an effective solution. However, since excessively taking magnesium as a supplement can cause some side effects, like diarrhoea or an upset stomach, it’s best to talk with your doctor beforehand in order to determine your daily dose.
Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil is perhaps the best source of essential fatty acids, like omega-6 and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). As such, it helps relieve various skin conditions, such as eczema and dermatitis, and prevent PMS acne breakouts. What’s more, this cold pressed oil can be used to help treat symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and mood swings. Capsules made from this oil are very concentrated, thus it’s important to use them as directed by a healthcare practitioner.