Trail running shoes are one of the most sought-after types of shoes by runners and hikers. These shoes have the ability to improve your overall running performance even when running off-road. They are designed to provide you with all-day comfort and stability without putting any pressure and trouble on your knees, ankles and feet. When made from quality and sturdy materials, these shoes can provide rugged traction to help you master rocky, slippery and any other challenging surfaces that you may encounter.
A great example of such shoes is the ones coming from Salomon. This is a brand the goal of which is to allow people to feel free and connect with nature. The story of this brand started in 1947 and ever since it has become one of the most popular and trusted brands, especially for outdoor trail running shoes.
What Makes Its Trail Running Shoes So Good?

From running on coastal paths and steep mountains to ultra-trail running, comfortable Salomon trail running shoes offer pure performance, stability and safety. Most of the Salomon trail running shoes have quite a sturdy outsole with a state-of-the-art design that’s meant to provide a better grip on different terrains.
When in the search for a suitable model, look for one that is waterproof, comfortable and quality in order to provide you with a good grip on different terrains. You should also look for a model that has a unique outsole and one that’s breathable which is of vital importance when running. Trail running shoes should also have a snug fit in order to prevent blisters and slippage while running. That being said, you should look for shoes that have a heel cup and extra cushioning to keep your feet secure.
The Importance of Cushioning in Trail Running Shoes
Cushioning in a shoe is of vital importance since it’s closely related to the shoe’s capacity to absorb the force of an impact. This is quite crucial when running since during that time your feet come in contact with the ground, so the shoes’ cushioning will make the impact as low as possible. The type of cushioning of a shoe mainly depends on the type of running you do.
The Best Solomon Models of Trail Running Shoes
Salomon Ultra Glide 2 Wide

This shoe is known as an ultra-cushioned trail chameleon running shoe because it’s designed to adapt to different surfaces and terrains. It’s lightweight yet extremely comfortable and cushioning. The best thing about this shoe is that it’s designed for those with wider feet which makes it truly one-of-a-kind.
The Ultra Glide 2 Wide trail running shoes are designed for the wildest types of surfaces, and they deliver durability and confidence even on wet, loose and slippery surfaces. They also have EnergyFOAM midsole which is lightweight foam made from EVA and Olefin (OBC) to deliver long-lasting cushion. The midsole of these shoes is also curved in order to sit better on the foot. It also features quick lace which is minimalist and robust lace which allows putting on and taking off relatively easy.
Salomon S-Lab Pulsar SG
The S-Lab Pulsar SG trail running shoe is an extremely light, precise and dynamic shoe that is mainly designed for technical terrain. This shoe model was made for Kilian Jornet’s record-breaking trail races. It’s an ultralight type of dynamic shoe that weighs under 200g, and it has strategic cushioning, a Matryx mesh and an ultra-grippy tread pattern.
The S-Lab Pulsar SG shoe is designed for loose, rugged, soft and uneven surfaces. It also has Profeel Film which is designed to filter out rocks and sharp surfaces for greater comfort and stability. The anti-debris mesh on these shoes is designed to prevent debris from being trapped between your foot and footbed and the integrated gaiter is designed to keep debris out of your shoes while also providing greater protection from the elements.
S/Lab Genesis

The S/LAB Genesis shoes are designed for high-commitment trail running. They have a high-performance grip, superior protection, comfort and durability. They feature a reinforced toe cap, Profeel Silm that has the purpose of filtering out rocks. The extra protection on the medial side of the shoe is designed to keep your feet safe while improving your comfort towards rocky terrains.
They are made from tough Matryx fabric with Kevlar thread and an Energy Foam for improved comfort. The S/LAB Genesis shoes also offer an adaptable and secure grip that can keep you safe throughout different conditions.
Salmon Glide Max TR
These shoes are known as the softest and most cushioned trail shoes. They feature Energy Foam for smoother cushioning which makes them ideal for long-distance running. They’re lightweight, comfortable and extremely breathable types of shoes that will keep you comfortable as long as you need. This model also features a curved midsole which feels great on the foot, making you feel like you’re floating over the ground.