Take a Stand For Your Health With a Stand Up Desk
Due to the sedentary lifestyle that many young adults lead, more and more people are suffering from back, neck and shoulder pain. Plus, there’s an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and early death. That’s why many people that have sedentary jobs are starting to lean more and more towards standing desks. A standing desk, or a stand up desk, is practically one that allows you to comfortably stand up while working.
Height Adjustable Desks – Should You be Standing or Sitting Down for This?
Everyone thinks they know that one health secret that they alone are privy to. They may have heard it from some distant relative that comes to visit from another country, or it may had even been passed down to their family from generation to generation. But regardless of its origin, the one certain thing is that it doesn’t stay a secret for much longer, because they are willing to share it with you (and any person within a 2 block radius).