
Raise Your Laptop and Your Comfort Level with a Portable Laptop Station

Portable technology is as popular as can be and laptops seem to be the most common necessity. I, for instance, can hardly imagine a day without spending significant time in front of my laptop. It makes my life easier and my job simpler. However, all of that time spent in front of our laptops can surely result in back pain and neck strain, cause no one can sit perfectly for hours and hours. Well, this is when ergonomics for laptops, such as the portable laptop station comes into play.

As opposed to desktop computers which are easier to adjust, when using laptops, it is impossible to achieve a proper ergonomic position without some help. The mere fact that the screen and keyboard are not separated makes the whole process much more complicated. Ergonomics for laptops, including portable laptop stations are designed to reduce health risks by enabling you to raise the laptop screen to your eye level so you can avoid forced downward perspective. Besides enabling you to adjust a proper height level, laptop stations come with a feature that can help you achieve proper angle as well. This feature decreases screen glare, thus enabling you to avoid a condition known as Computer Vision Syndrome.

By adjusting the perfect height, besides reducing the strain on your eyes, you’ll also be able to relax your neck and back more. That is why this type of ergonomics for laptops can help prevent hunching and hand-contouring posture, thus allowing you to obtain a constant level of comfort. This can help you avoid health issues that include the weakening of core muscles (especially around your back and neck area), dysfunction of joints and nerve irritation.

Another thing you should have in mind is just how compatible your laptop is with the station of your choice. Granted, most of them are made to fit almost all kinds of laptops, but still, you should check whether the station is made for a particular brand. An improper model will not hold your laptop stable into place, and that can be a huge drawback.

Finally, what makes these laptop stations even more convenient are the many additions some of them come with, the USB ports being especially useful. Some people prefer using a separate keyboard, so a USB port can make this possible. Also using and packing the station is a piece of cake. The process is as simple as moving your laptop. It won’t slow you down and it can allow you to work comfortably from anywhere.


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