Once a baby is on the way, the first thing we parents do is start preparing the nursery with all the needed essentials. And, once you’re stocked with everything, it’s time to pick the most needed baby clothing essentials. But before knowing the most important pieces you’ll need during the first few months of your baby’s life, it’s more important to understand that you should never stay short on them.
Having a baby means being prepared to change it at least three times a day because accidents like throw-ups and diaper leakage are quite common during this stage. Staying prepared and having everything organised before the arrival is really important for you, especially for your mental health. The newborn stage can be quite a challenge for new parents, so staying baby-ready is important.
What Are the Baby Essentials You Need?
Assembling a wardrobe for your baby doesn’t need to be overwhelming and nerve-wracking. What’s more, it should be a joyful experience that you would look back at gladly. Having all the essential baby clothes for your little bundle of joy is crucial for making your life easier. Focusing on the right clothes will help you create a wardrobe that is functional and cute to look at.
As you may have already figured it out, you’ll need more than two or three pairs of a certain newborn clothing piece. Life with a newborn can be quite messy, and washing and cleaning spit-ups will become your daily routine, so having spare clothes in hand is paramount. For most parents, especially those of twins and triplets, having everything organised and prepared is a way to calm themselves down and feel like they have at least something under control.

Bodysuits are one of the most comfortable, versatile and common pieces of clothing you can see on a baby. Bodysuits are the only piece of clothing that is worn by babies day and night regardless of the season. Aside from being the perfect layering piece, when the weather is warmer, parents usually dress their babies only in bodysuits. Usually made from cotton or bamboo, bodysuits have become a staple in babies’ wardrobe. They are available in different sleeve lengths and different sizes for ease of convenience.

Onesies are just another popular baby clothes choice. They are a favourite among parents because are easy to put on and take off. These clothing pieces don’t make the change of diaper a tackle and a battle because they usually allow for being unbuttoned on the bottom part only. Aside from being available in button-up versions, they are also available with zippers which also make them easy to put on and take off. These convenient and one-of-a-kind clothing pieces are available with long and short sleeves and with long and short leg length making them perfect for being worn year round.
Hoodies and Sweaters

Keeping your little one warm during the cooler time of the year is essential, so make sure to invest in different kinds of long-sleeved tops in case the weather conditions change. It’s always better to stay prepared, especially when travelling somewhere, so make sure to toss another layer of clothing in the diaper bag just in case. The choice of sweaters and hoodies is huge, ranging in type, model, features, size, colours and patterns. You can look for one with zippers or with buttons depending on your personal preference.
Leggings and Pants

Onesies certainly are the most practical type of clothing used at home, however, for those times when you plan to go out and take your baby somewhere, dressing it baby clothes like pants/leggings and a sweater, blouse or hoodie is a thing. There’s a huge choice of baby leggings and pants, so matching them with the baby’s top would be a piece of cake. You can choose ones in one plain colour, as well as from the patterned and more colourful types of pants and leggings.

Hats are a must-have, especially for newborns. They aren’t only a stylish piece of headgear, but they are also an important one for keeping their fragile and sensitive head warm and protected. The most popular and commonly used types of hats are the ones made from cotton as they are the softest, most breathable and comfiest hats so far. They are perfect for the gentle and fragile newborn’s skin. Once your baby is old enough to be exposed to the sun, make sure to invest in a good and UV-protective bucket type of sun hat. They are lightweight, breathable yet protective, perfect for those times when the sun is too hot.
Socks and Baby Shoes

You really can’t have too many socks and baby shoes with a newborn, mostly because losing them on your regular walks will become something completely normal. Somehow, babies tend to take off at least one of the socks or shoes when in the stroller. Not to mention, these tiny little things can get easily lost in between washes as well.