picture of an outdoor gear gift idea for him
source: Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash

Outdoor Gear Gift Ideas for Your Man

Picking the proper gift for the man in your life starts with knowing their interests. It’s best if they have already expressed a desire to get some item during your daily talks. If that is not the case, you’ll have to do some guessing and choose based on their hobbies and favorite past times. And while every man is highly likely to carry key chain, mints, mobile phone, cash and credit cards, it’s the other stuff they carry every day, their man cave items that seem to fuel their curiosity. 

Outdoor hikers, hunters and tradies have a tendency to focus on gear that has practical application out there. There are three levels to this type of gear: what one carries at all times (in pockets and small bags), what can be carried in a bag (backpack, briefcase, laptop bag, professional kit bag) and what is carried in a vehicle (trunk of the car). Small items seamlessly shift from one category to another, but there are pieces that fit one category only.     

Leatherman Multitool

picture of a leatherman  multypurpose pocket tool with knifes
source: dudeiwantthat.com

Knives are possibly the number one favorite item for outdoor enthusiasts. Elaborate laws and regulations concerning carrying knives limit this option for many blokes. Fortunately, there is a whole range of multitools (Leatherman Surge, Charge, Juice) which you can legally carry. They all have at least one blade and the Leatherman Supertool 300 has three: a 420HC knife, a serrated knife and a saw.

Pocket multi-tools are very popular because they fulfil between 8 to 15 different functions while being lightweight and comparatively small in size. Leatherman multitools usually have pliers, wire cutters, screwdrivers, can and bottle opener. Depending on the exact model you choose, there might be other tools too. Multipurpose pocket tools allow you to neatly tuck each micro tool away, so as not to damage your clothes or bag. You can attach them on a carabiner or to your keychain.

Leatherman multitools are fit for many occasions and across all levels of everyday carry. If you don’t want to carry them in a pocket you can certainly include them in your bag or leave them in your car. You never know when you’ll need to check the wiring on your car or use them to set up camp. They can be very specific too. The Leatherman Raptor is tailored for paramedics, the Leatherman MUT (EOD) is made for gun owners, but all of them are multi-functional. If you want to choose a pocket multitool which can be used every day then go for something like Skeletool CX. The Leatherman Supertool 300 is versatile and easy to handle even with gloves and has a total of 19 tools. They all come with an extensive warranty (25 years) so you know you are buying a durable and long-lasting gift.


picture of small and black flashlight
source: Amir Shamsipur on Unsplash

There are many situations in which having a flashlight at hand would make things significantly easier. If it’s not to find small objects in the dark (like lost keys), then it’s when walking in a dim-lit alley. Your man might need to take a look under the hood or to fix a component that’s hard to see in a tight and dark place. Everyday activities too, like walking the dog or hiking after sunset.

Men want to have a powerful flashlight in their everyday gear. Torches are valuable when hunting because of their high output in lumens. Most often than not, they are handheld LED lights with rechargeable or powerful batteries. Those on the high end can light up an area with the size of a football field. Some prefer carrying a different size flashlight for different occasions. Others go for one torch that would cover most of their needs. It’s not unusual to get a headlamp with a flashlight that can be removed for everyday use.


picture of  binoculars on wooden table
source: Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Hunters have to visually scout an area before getting in on the action. Even if they use game calling devices, let alone for stalking their prey, a good pair of optics is always needed.

The optics’ features are very important. Two variables play a big role there – magnification power and objective lens diameter. They are expressed in numbers like 7×40. The first number shows the magnification power of the binoculars, so objects are magnified seven times. The second measure is the diameter in millimeters. Apart from this, you should keep an eye on the materials the unit is made from. The build should be durable, waterproof, reasonably shockproof and fog-resistant. Lenses tend to fog up when exposed to the difference in temperature so this is not to be overlooked.

It’s highly likely that these binoculars will be hand-held with gloves so look for an ergonomic build that has a non-slip finish. You want the binoculars to be easily portable too. High-quality halyard or adjustable neck strap, and a pouch with soft interior for the lenses are a must.


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